
Education and Care Services National Regulations and Law

Education and care services falling within the scope of the National Quality Framework include: These services are regulated under the National Education and Care Services Act (South Australia) and the National Education and Care Services Regulations 2011 and are assessed against the National Quality Standard. This factsheet provides guidance to authorised providers of education and care services to help them work in accordance with the national quality framework. We also recommend referring directly to the legislation: in accordance with Regulations 168 and 169 of national regulations, approved providers must ensure that the services have a set of policies and procedures in place. It is a violation of Rule 170 if an approved provider does not take reasonable steps to ensure that supervisors, staff, designated family child care educators (if applicable) and service volunteers follow these required policies and procedures. How to purchase a printed copy of the Information Management Group (TIMG) by-law: These services are referred to in the Act as “residual services for early childhood”. They are subject to an amended version of national laws and regulations. These services are not evaluated and evaluated against the national quality standard. For home care educators and single-parent educators in the family, it is the standards that must be met: services outside the scope are not regulated either within the framework of the national quality framework or in national legislation. There are three groups of early childhood services in South Australia: South Australian Standards for Family Day Care Centres. You can reach TIMG directly on or on 02 9210 5920 With the following steps, you can find out how a service is regulated. Rigorous policies and procedures set out the expectations of employees and families who attend the service. They help new and existing employees understand service processes and practices, make decisions, and ensure consistency across all areas of service delivery. Republication at the expiry of the transitional provision (point 4) The service, as the early childhood supervisory authority, evaluates the policies and procedures of a service at the stage of the application for a service authorisation.

When deemed “adequate to ensure the safe operation of the service and the best possible outcomes for children”, approved providers have a constant responsibility to ensure:.