
How to Get a Law Clerk Job

These internships are obviously the most competitive. In fact, employees of the U.S. Supreme Court are not hired while they are in law school. To be considered for a legal internship at the U.S. Supreme Court, candidates must almost always have completed an articling at the Federal Court of Appeals level. Some courts, such as the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, are most likely to lead to a legal clerk position at the U.S. Supreme Court. The references of those selected for such positions are almost always exceptional. Learn more about the U.S. Supreme Court. Most law clerk jobs are in state or federal courts, including appeals and supreme courts, although some trial judges may also employ law clerks.

As a result, trainee lawyers` salaries vary depending on the court in which they are employed. Day school is something like an education for law graduates in the fast lane. Articling with a prominent or respected judge is seen as a way to add some polish to a successful legal career. Since most judges require trainee lawyers to be recent law school graduates, trainee lawyers generally hold a Master of Laws, a Master of Laws (e.g., public policy or international law) or a Doctor of Laws (JD). This experience and perspective is attractive to future legal employers who hire former Court officials because of their in-depth legal knowledge, privileged view of the judicial system, and ability to examine cases from the Court`s perspective. An internship can be a significant advantage in the legal job market, not only because of the extensive knowledge of the law and the judicial system, but also because of the valuable contacts and personal relationships that have developed during the legal practice. Your law school is also an important consideration for most judges. Only 8 of the 36 Supreme Court officials in office in 2017 came from law schools outside the top ten in the United States. A federal articling is the most prestigious articling position sought by potential articling students.

While clerking a district or state judge is a great way to gain relevant work experience, federal courts tend to offer more opportunities to work on high-profile cases on a variety of national topics such as constitutional law, intellectual property, federal criminal law, claims against federal agencies, ambassador claims and securities law. CVs should include community service or interests and activities that would help the judge get a sense of the applicant as a person. Remember that the judge doesn`t just hire an employee. Clerks work closely with the judge, and personality adjustment is just as important as referrals. A curriculum vitae should give an idea of who the candidate is and what interests him. Many Indiana University students Robert H. The McKinney School of Law clerked for one of the five justices of the Indiana Supreme Court. Each judge has two secretaries, with the exception of the Chief Justice, who has three. Case workers are primarily responsible for reviewing trial protocol, researching applicable legislation, and preparing legal briefs and court opinions.

The clerks also participate in the oral proceedings before the court. Students interested in an internship opportunity must apply in the fall semester of their second year. Learn more about the Indiana Supreme Court and the justices. Letter #1: I am particularly qualified for the position of clerk. I have excellent writing and research skills and hope to develop them further through the internship experience. (This letter would not stand out from the other letters and does not give the judge any useful information in assessing this candidate.) It is generally considered a common courtesy to apply for an internship with a judge of a particular court. Supreme Court officials, for example, often go to any judge, even if they only hope to get a position with a particular judge. A clerk`s salary depends on the court, legal professional experience after graduating from law school, and bar membership. Annual salaries are typically between $30,000 and $50,000.

The average salary for clerks is about $54,000. Many law firms give credit to the partnership for the time they spent as court employees as second- or third-year employees and adjusting their salaries to reflect that seniority. There are 12 regional courts of appeal. Each judge at the level of the Court of Appeal has two or three clerks. With a limited number of positions available and the complexity of legal issues, these internships are incredibly competitive, although some settings are more competitive than others. The DC circuit, the second circuit and the ninth circuit are generally considered the most competitive. View a map of the circuits and links to the websites of the district courts. There are several ways to appeal to the Federal Court.