Alabama requires cyclists to drive as far to the right as possible. Alabama makes no exceptions to this requirement. Alabama prohibits driving vehicles on a sidewalk or sidewalk area except on a duly authorized permanent or temporary driveway. This ban applies to bicycles because they are defined as vehicles in Alabama and there are no other laws that allow bicycles to be used on sidewalks. Source: ALA Code. §§32-5A-52; 22.27.90 Hawaii protects vulnerable road users by providing a legal basis for stricter law enforcement when an unprotected road user has been seriously injured or killed through negligence. Maine requires a person riding a bicycle on a roadway at a speed lower than the normal speed of traffic travelling in the same direction at that time and place to travel as far as practicable on the right side of the road, unless it is unsafe to do so. as determined by the cyclist, or (2) the person is preparing to turn left at an intersection or on a private road or driveway; Virginia defines a vulnerable road user as a pedestrian; the driver or passenger of a bicycle, electric personal mobility device, electric bicycle, wheelchair or wheel carrier, skateboard, roller skateboard, motorized skateboard or motorized scooter, animal-drawn vehicle or connected device; or anyone riding an animal. Negligent or distracted operation of a motor vehicle in a negligent or distracted manner is a Class 1 administrative offence such that careless or distracted driving is the direct cause of serious bodily injury to an unprotected road user who is lawfully on the highway at the time of the injury. In addition, the law contains contextual considerations that may increase or decrease the legal safety distance.
In all cases, the safe passing distance must not interfere with the safe operation of the bicycle. However, if the driver of a motor vehicle cannot pass a bicycle at a distance of three feet or more, he or she may slow down and overtake if doing so does not compromise the safety of the bicycle operator. The laws governing the use of bicycles in the State of Kansas are generally found in Chapter 8, Section 15 of the Annotated Laws of Kansas (Kansas Stat. Ann.), which are available here. A cyclist may ride to the left of the center of a lane, including a double yellow line, to safely overtake a bicycle if it is safe and does not violate other traffic rules. If the right lane then available for traffic is wide enough to be safely shared with passing vehicles, the cyclist must drive sufficiently to the right to facilitate the movement of those vehicles passing him, unless other conditions make it dangerous. A cyclist may use a lane other than the right lane if: Georgia`s law on drunk driving applies to people who ride bicycles, but the penalties for cyclists do not apply in the same way as for drivers of motor vehicles. Since this decision, nothing has been changed to apply the law mentioned in this article to cyclists. Nevertheless, bicycles should not be driven while intoxicated. Anyone riding a bicycle on the right side of the road must exercise due diligence and give due consideration to other applicable traffic rules. Sidewalks: Each city and county controls whether cyclists are allowed to ride on sidewalks. CVC 21206 The District of Columbia does not require a cyclist to ride as close to the right side of the road as possible.
However, the District of Columbia requires a person to ride a bicycle safely and safely so as not to endanger themselves or another person. Bicycles are also subject to the rights and obligations applicable to vehicles and must therefore be used on the right half of the carriageway, except when overtaking and overtaking another vehicle going in the same direction. Also, the North Carolina Driver`s Handbook does not advise motorists on the dangers of opening a door in traffic, although there is a chapter on sharing the road with cyclists and other vehicles: Laws governing bicycle use in the State of Illinois are generally found in the Illinois Vehicle Code, which can be found in Chapter 625 Section 5 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (Ill. Comp. Stat.), which are available here. You do not have to use the “protected bike path”. Once a bike lane is separated from fluid traffic with poles or parking spaces or whatever, it is no longer a “bike lane” by law; This is a “separate bike lane”. CVC 21208 does not apply.