Takashi Tōno is a first-year student transferred from Tokyo to Morimori Academy, a private preparatory boarding school in the heart of the mountains. Shortly after his arrival, he befriended Kyōsuke Yaguchi, who was a member of the football club, and invited Tōno to join him at the club. Tōno`s disinterest in sports forced him to join the quietest club of all: the Photo Club. However, the photography club is not what it seems, as the duties of the members are to have sex with other students in the school. I can see what you`re saying and it`s true, I understand what you`re saying about internalized homophobia, but the fact that I haven`t seen a single person give as many h8s to other shows that give worse scenarios than what catches up with me, that`s where internalized homophobia becomes apparent, I`ve seen worse things than that in direct broadcasts, but I haven`t seen anyone1 give as many H8s as they will be and I hope you can see where it comes from. The argument in my other comment is really explanatory of what I meant, so I hope you can read it. Poisoned, you are only confirming your own opinion while making garbage and do not even bother to think about why your statement might be false. Lemme just says that rape literature is common EVERYWHERE, what interests me is how hypocrites can say all this shit when hentai, one of the most common heterosexual porn, is worse than YBC. Moreover, I even heard that it was a parody anime for all the yaoi tropics. The reason I said it`s deep-seated homophobia should be obvious from what I wrote, but start from ig, no need to worry if others say we`re just online, so type. Fiction can influence reality, and if so, could you think more about a person`s autonomy and ability to think? I hope you can understand that most people know that rape is bad, and that it`s the person who is to blame here, it`s like saying that people, who play shooters as killers and they are violent, please stop thinking like a mother trying to get her son to play video games, It won`t work today.
I hope you can read the whole thing before jumping to conclusions. The title track is “Touch You” by Shiritsu Morimori Gakuen Seishun Danshis, with the actors as characters. [18] “Touch You” was composed by Yuyoyuppe, the lyrics were written by Ogeretsu Tanaka, the original author of the manga. [18] “Touch You” was released on August 15. It was released as a single in August 2018 and featured individual versions of the song for all nine characters. [18] In November 2020, “Touch You” reached #4 in the Global Viral Top 10 on Spotify in the US and England after gaining popularity on TikTok, thanks in part to unofficial mashups featuring Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion`s 2020 song “WAP.” [19] Yarichin Bitch Club was written and illustrated by Ogeretsu Tanaka, who has published it on Pixiv since 2012. [2] The webcomic received a print publication from Gentosha in 2016,[2] with chapters published in 5 bound volumes. Kangiten – I`d say I think you just ignore all the hate that really fucked stuff gets, aside from the fact that there were a lot of homophobes who hated this show because it`s gay, not because of the other things. That doesn`t make OP homophobic here.
That`s not how it works. Anyway, back to my first point. Just fucked stuff gets tons of hatred, I`m not saying you`re deliberately ignoring it, maybe it`s unconscious or you just don`t know it. I`ve seen that just shit just fucked up gets a lot of negative traction, as it should. I`ve seen gay stuff also get tons of negative traction, but it`s not homophobia because these specific parts of queer media are problematic. Hmmm, you`re right, maybe it`s because I`ve seen nvr show any1 so h8 to direct media or ignore it. Neway it shouldn`t matter if the person is not raped, I`m fine to see w ppl without doing or thinking that this is done by real ppl as they are not, but that`s just my opinion and ppl may differ in moral codes, so I might as well be garbage in your eyes, Not as it matters since we are only online and Evr1 is garbage in its own way, because our species will die and will only be fertilizer for the earth, our opinions or our life mean, so I`ll just accept it.