
Harlem Hospital Legal Department

Dankner Milstein, P.C.`s attorneys have experience helping victims of medical malpractice at Harlem Hospital. Our knowledge of the hospital, the region and New York Medical Malpractice law allows us to provide our clients with quality legal advice and qualified advocacy. If the patient is a minor under twelve (12) years of age, the parent or guardian may request (sign) the health information. Contact:Shaneequa Parker, Chief Compliance Officer at sparker@harlemunited.orgJoy Gant, Medical Records Coordinator at Health Home Care Manager provides Medicaid-registered individuals with chronic conditions with comprehensive, integrated medical and behavioral health management to ensure access to appropriate services, improve health outcomes, and facilitate preventable hospitalizations and emergency room visits. prevent. Home Health Care Management (HCM) services include health promotion; transitional care, including follow-up care of inpatients to other facilities; support for patients and their families; and referrals to community and social support services. Agencies that are also specialized mental health care management agencies must report under the Specialized Mental Health Care Management Code (0780) and not Program Code 2730, effective 1/1/22 (Upstate) and 7/1/22 (NYC). Nonbehavioral health information requires both a parent and a legally designated guardian and minor to sign NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem is the largest hospital in Central Harlem and the only Safety Net hospital in northern Manhattan. In 1958, Harlem surgeons saved the life of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. after he was stabbed to death during a signing session.

Today, Harlem Hospital provides excellent care to all New Yorkers. Email: inforequests@harlemunited.orgFax: 212-531-1085Tel. : 212-531-1300 ext. 3267 When you seek care in a hospital, you are most vulnerable. A visit to the emergency room, hospital for delivery or examination can result in serious injury if the hospital and staff act negligently or recklessly. We help clients who have suffered all types of injuries, including: You will receive the information electronically in a secure encrypted email, which you specify in your online application and validate upon request. 3. Completed requests will be forwarded to the Compliance Department/Medical Records at the following address: Harlem Hospital Center is a Level 1 trauma center in New York City. This means that there are specialized units for burns, neonatal care, cardiac care and other intensive treatments. Such situations require a particularly high level of care to avoid further injury.

Patients and authorized patient representatives may request a copy of their medical records in writing at any time in order to view or obtain copies of their records for distribution to other providers and third parties. 4. Patients can personally view portions of their medical records, such as a list of medications and/or recent lab results, at Print New York State DOH-5032 or click here -OR-Print Official OCA Form No. 960 or click here Other approvals that comply with NYSDOH patient privacy regulations, Can also be accepted Yes, if you cannot scan and send a photo ID, you can print the paper form, fill it out and send it to the appropriate institution. You must make sure to fill in each field of the form legibly. The form is available on the NYC Health + Hospitals website here For sensitive information such as alcohol/drug treatment, mental health treatment, HIV/AIDS, or genetic testing, fill out the application form. To check the status of your COVID test, click here (Chrome or Firefox only). Test results usually take 5 business days. Patients at Harlem United and the Upper Room AIDS Ministry (URAM) have the right to access their health information under federal and state laws, including HIPAA regulations designed to protect patient privacy. For behavioral health requests, including patient access, the minor must sign All addresses and contact # for individual facilities are listed on the website. If the patient is twelve (12) years of age and under eighteen (18) years of age, the request must be made (signed) by: Harlem United – Willis Green123-125 West 124th Street2nd Floor – Medical RecordsNew York, NY 10027 Yes. For NYC Health + Hospitals Hospital records, you can call 866-390-7404.

This service is available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. You have the right to request your health information as part of the processing you received at one of our facilities under federal and state law in New York. In addition, NYC Health + Hospitals will generally honor a patient`s request to disclose information to another party, such as a school, attorney, court, or insurance company, with your written permission or that of your authorized representative. Follow the same process to request radiology films, and Health Information Management will work with the radiology department to secure access Leader in LGBTQ healthcare equality and gender reassignment Our attorneys also represent families who have lost loved ones due to negligence at Harlem Hospital. While no amount of money can ever replace the life of a close relative, we can help you through this difficult time by filing an unlawful death lawsuit against those responsible for your loss. If the minor can consent to treatment, the minor can sign the application for unjustified injury and death caused by medical malpractice.

The executor or distributor must complete the online form and upload a copy of the official death certificate and proof of executor status for supporting information. Ask a national medical records center to send you your records as directed However, with any type of care at Harlem Hospital, it`s important that you get the treatment and care you need and deserve. If a doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist, or other medical professional is negligent, they may leave you in worse condition and need further medical treatment. In some tragic cases, misconduct can even result in death. Do you need your medical records from Harlem Hospital Center? Applications are processed within 7-10 business days. 1. The patient may submit this form to obtain their medical record. If the patient is an emancipated minor (married, parent or autonomous and living outside the parent`s residence), he or she must sign.

This is the preferred method. Note: You will need 2 forms of a photo ID that will be scanned and sent to complete the online authorization. Patients or their representatives must complete and submit an authorization to disclose protected health information (PHI) via this link. PLEASE NOTE: To submit a health information request online, you must upload your photo and a government-issued photo ID. For additional requirements, see Unique circumstances. Please note that subpoenas are not accepted using this method.