
Arizona Pawn Shop Laws

One. A person can only act as a pawnshop with the approval of the sheriff of the county where he regularly does business. J. A person may not use the word “pawnshop”, “pawnshop” or “pawnshop” in the name of his company, on a billboard or in an advertisement, unless he holds a pawnshop licence in accordance with this section. E. A pawnshop shall keep the pledged goods at the pawnshop`s establishment or at another storage location approved by the local law enforcement authority. B. A pawnshop may not enter into a lien transaction or a bona fide purchase of important personal property with a person under the age of eighteen. One.

The duration of all pawnshop transactions is at least ninety days, except that a longer term may be agreed between the pawnshop and the pawnshop. E. Any pawnshop must be a bona fide resident of that State. In the case of a partnership, each partner must be a bona fide resident of that State. If it is a corporation, it is a domestic company or a foreign company that has qualified to do business in that state. The Company holds its pawnshop licence through an agent. G. A corporation has a reasonable interest in its licence through an agent if the agent is otherwise qualified to hold a pawnshop licence. The intermediary is subject to the prescribed penalties for any violation of the law with regard to pawnshops. In the event of the death, resignation or dismissal of an agent of a company holding a pawnshop license, the company shall immediately assign the license to another qualified agent selected by the company. F. The sheriff or sheriff`s appointed officer requires that any person, with the exception of a bank or licensed credit institution that is directly or indirectly involved in a pawnshop, provide the sheriff with a complete set of fingerprints, as well as the applicable fees for fingerprint processing.

The sheriff submits fingerprints to the Department of Public Safety for review of state and federal criminal records under section 41-1750 and Public Law 92-544. The Department of Public Safety may exchange this fingerprint data with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The sheriff forwards the fee to the Department of Public Safety. D. Before entering into a lien or bona fide acquisition of personal property, a pawnshop requires the landlord or seller to identify himself or herself with sufficient identification to verify the information required under section 44-1625. C. A pawnshop licence may not be sold or transferred without the consent of the sheriff or his agent. B.

A pawnshop receives a separate licence for each pawnshop owned by that pawnshop. G. The pawnshop must keep records of all reportable transactions and pawn certificates at the pawnshop`s institution and keep the records for at least two years after the date of the transaction. The pawnshop will ensure that the records contain accurate copies of all transaction receipts or pawn certificates. At the request of a local law enforcement officer in the performance of his or her duties, the pawnshop shall permit the pawnbroker to inspect necessary receipts, pawn certificates or records of alcohol, tobacco and firearms, or to inspect any items received by the pawnshop through pawns, purchase or exchange. D. A pawnshop may not operate in any place other than an authorized place, with the exception of firearms stores that hold a licence issued by a arms dealer holding a State licence at an organized arms fair. H. A pawnshop must present the pawnshop`s register, display all items received by the pawnshop or purchase, or present the pawnshop`s sales account to a local law enforcement authority at the Request of the Agency for inspection of the pawnshop`s register, items or accounts relating to the pawnshop`s sales or for the service of a search warrant or a search warrant issued by a judge or magistrate. H. The sheriff cannot issue a permit to a person who has violated a provision of a previously issued pawnshop licence or who has revoked a licence in the year preceding the application.

The sheriff may not issue or renew a licence to a convicted person within five years of the application for a crime involving trafficking in stolen property, fraudulent schemes, forgery, theft, extortion or conspiracy to commit fraud, or a crime of moral reprehensibility. The sheriff may not issue or renew a licence to a corporation unless it has filed with the sheriff of the county where the licence is issued a list of its officers and directors, as well as all shareholders who own ten percent or more of the corporation. The sheriff may not issue or renew a licence to a corporation if one of his officers or directors, or a shareholder who owns ten percent or more of the corporation, has been convicted within five years of a crime involving trafficking in stolen property, fraudulent plans, forgery, theft, extortion or conspiracy to commit fraud, or a crime of moral reprehensibility.