
Bases Legales Ante Un Lesionado

The “medical injury report” is the first to be issued when the injured person is first detected. It must specify the nature and location of the injuries, the organic parties involved, their prognosis and the need for optional support and treatment in order to adapt them to the new legislation on the offence. It must be extended to all types of physically and mentally injured; except in the case of injuries that have occurred as a result of a process of pathological substance presented by the injured party.1 Special damage can be determined with sufficient certainty. On the other hand, general damages are less concrete and have no specific monetary value. Some typical categories of general damage are: In the second case; If the doctor has indicated that he has completed the document: “Legal medical parties” to make a judicial notice, the code we propose is as follows: Our doubt is: You encode the documents: “Medical part of the injuries” ????, or in the clinical form that you codify, you have registered the certifier who completed this document. In most jurisdictions, the decision to award punitive damages to the plaintiff rests with a jury. When rendered, the decision is often subject to the approval of a judge. The judge may increase the amount or, if he considers that the jury`s decision is not consistent with the facts of the case, reduce it. However, if the defendant refuses to pay or does not have the money, certain steps can be taken to make the payment. In many states, a plaintiff can garnish the defendant`s salary (up to a certain percentage) to comply with the judgment. Some states allow an applicant to have the defendant`s driver`s license revoked. In this case, the license cannot be restored until the sentence is completed.

In addition, some states allow the plaintiff to seize certain assets of the defendant, such as bank accounts or receivables, if the defendant is a corporation. Dear Sonia, in the medico-legal documents, the “Injured Doctor`s Report” is the one that doctors most often need to expand, especially those who practice their profession in emergency areas, where a large number of injured people come to receive optional help. It is a medico-legal document by which the doctor informs the judicial authority of the care of a patient who presents injuries that may constitute an error or a crime of injury. The purpose of the “Medical Injury Report” is to determine a person`s injuries and classification, as well as the object or element they have produced. The theory behind the harm reduction principle is that it is not fair to hold a defendant responsible for something that the plaintiff could have easily controlled. Simply put, the applicant must undergo an appropriate medical procedure to shorten the duration of the effects of the injury. Based on the above, we believe that the ICD-10 codes or codes would be primarily related to the violation(s) in question; That is, what the doctor recorded as a diagnosis when he examined the patient. In addition, you must also record the circumstances in which the violation(s) occurred. • If it is a court case, the physician must inform the ministry by completing the “Medical Injury Report” document. It should be noted that in Mexico, this document is not part of the information systems of the Ministry of Health, so the diagnoses that the doctor recorded there are not codified.

The first step is to resolve the emergency and take care of the injured or sick, and then the doctor will perform the administrative, police and judicial procedures once the medical assistance to the injured person is complete. The successful party for bodily injury is entitled to money from the defendant. This money is called compensation. There are two categories of compensation: damages and punitive damages. The purpose of compensation is to compensate the victim for the damage suffered and to restore the situation in which he or she was before the injury. On the other hand, punitive damages are intended to punish the defendant for his actions in order to prevent a recurrence of the conduct that caused the harm. Indeed, if we examine category Z04.- in the tabular list (volume 1) of ICD-10, we find that it contains the “examination for medico-legal reasons”: • If it is necessary to indicate by means of a ICD-10 code that the doctor has completed the document: “Medical part of injuries”, the code is recommended: The second type of damage, that may be awarded are punitive damages. This damage is almost never attributed. As a rule, they are obtained only if the plaintiff is able to prove a pattern of repeated misconduct on the part of the defendant or to prove that the defendant`s conduct was particularly egregious. One aspect of health care that is directly related to compensation for bodily injury that all claimants should be aware of is the principle of harm reduction.

This doctrine states that a plaintiff must take reasonable steps to prevent future damages after suffering the injuries caused by the defendant. After all, when a person wins a lawsuit, victory is not absolute. The defendant still has to pay damages and, unsurprisingly, this is not always done voluntarily. In general, if the defendant has a lot of money or is covered by insurance, it is not difficult to get paid. This is simply because the defendant wants the lawsuit to be over and thus prevent action from being taken to collect the money. The procedure for collecting compensation from a judgment varies from one State to another. It is best to consult an experienced credit attorney about the specific methods available. For more legal documents in Spanish, please visit our friends at Justia Mexico.

Z04.5 Examination and observation after another injury inflicted.